Cat 320C Excavator Loading Scania R500 V8 Truck

Posted on 22. Jun, 2015 by in Excavator Accident Videos, Excavator Training Videos, Excavators for Sale, Kids Excavator Videos, Uncategorized

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Cat 320C excavator, with Mikrofyn 3D GPS system, loading Scanis R500 8/ 6×2 semi truck with dirt, on the construction site for the new, University …

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Crane picking a skid steer out of a building. Unsafe

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One Response to “Cat 320C Excavator Loading Scania R500 V8 Truck”

  1. Andeci

    19. Feb, 2016

    a lot about its previous owner and how it was tretead. Look out for wear and any signs of damage. Estimate the condition of sprockets and rollers and check if any of them need replacement. After inspecting the physical condition of the excavator, estimate the total cost the repair might need.

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